La podemos usar en comidas donde queramos dar un color amarillento, en verduras al horno o a la plancha.
Cualquier tipo de sopa, crema o legumbre, así como arroces o cuscús, y en carne o pescado a la plancha.
The spice Turmeric is used as a food colouring, being one of the elements of curry. Providing an intense yellowish colour.
It is made with the root of this plant. One of the reasons why turmeric is in curry is because it adds an element of flavour to the food.
But turmeric can also play an important role in the digestion of that food.
It has a pleasant flavour, slightly spicy, is brownish on the outside and a very orange colour on the inside.
- Anti-inflammatory
- Pain relief in cases of arthritis.
- The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric help healthy digestion.
However, due to some of its side effects, some people may not like to use turmeric. (Digestion problems, People taking anticoagulant drugs)

It is native to India, where it is widely used in curries. It belongs to the ginger family.
In its beginnings, back in 600 BC. It was used as a dye for wool.
It is currently still used as a textile dye.
It is used in ayurvedic medicine as a digestive healing agent.
Current Western medicine has begun to study how turmeric can help reduce intestinal inflammation and improve intestinal permeability