Generic guides to help you on your trip

With these Guides of your trip to Thailand, you will be able to have your basic help that will guide you before, and during the trip. Download them or consult their contents.

They are in chronological order, and once downloaded take a look, click on the links to see additional information. They do not pretend to be very detailed in the content, but useful at first sight.

The "Getting Started Guide"

It will show you some basic tips, without too much detail, and to give you an idea of ​​how and when to plan your trip. Although, to choose the places to go, perhaps you should first visit nuestros videos y contenidos.

What minimum travel requirements and what are the seasons like here. What kind of trip do you want to have, are the small details with which to start.

The "Luggage Guide"

It is another simple way to organize your future trip, but it is also made in the form of an interactive pdf so that you have your own list of pending tasks.

Para amantes del orden y la planificación, y para quienes deseen saber los pequeños trucos a la hora de planificar que llevamos o que no.

Descargate las Guías de tu viaje a Tailandia.

The useful guide «When arriving in Thailand»

It offers you some simple tips and information, from when we fill out the entry visa on the plane, currency exchange, useful applications upon arrival and during the trip, and how to communicate with our mobile phone.

The "Transportation Guide"

Servirá como un primer paso al camino apasionante de recorrer este país.

Desde el inicio, con enlaces a páginas ticket purchase website and small tips for getting around, renting a car or not, and much more in this guide.

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Hoteles en tailandia

In Thailand, there is an immense variety of hotels, due to the high number of tourists who visit this beautiful country. The prices in relation to the quality are very attractive, and the places where to choose that offer are wonderful and very prepared for the tourist.

In Thailand the most used search engine is AGODA, plataforma similar a

Para Bangkok por ejemplo se puede usar tanto una como otra, pero para ciudades mas pequeñas del resto del pais es mejor usar Agoda, puesto que tiene mucha oferta, mejores precios, y sobre todo…los tailandeses están mas habituados a usar esta plataforma.

Here I leave a link for you to register as a user and you can browse