Red rose apple o Champoo

Red rose apple o Champoo
Red rose apple o Champoo
  • It strengthens gums and teeth and also maintains good eye health.
  • Its rich blend of nutrients and abundant dietary fibre content helps maintain cardiovascular health.
  • Attributing it to the vitamin content of the rose pomarrose, the researchers confirm its potential in protecting against different types of cancer. Vitamin A and C are effective against the development of tumours and cancer cells.

Red rose apple o Champoo Abundant in Thailand, it has an apple-like flavour, crispy like a pear is delicious and refreshing of the ido is that it is barely sweet.

They can be slightly bitter at times.

This variety is available almost all year round, while seasonal varieties vary in colour from apple red to almost black.

  • Helps digestion.
  • The organic compound Jambosine, which is found in it, is very effective against diabetes.
  • It is an alkaloid that regulates the conversion of starch into sugar by controlling sugar levels in the body.
  • It helps people with reduced pancreatic activity as in the case of diabetes.
  • Clean the liver and kidneys. So it can be said that it is a detox food.
  • It is a good immune booster that is attributed to a large amount of vitamins and minerals present in it.
  • Vitamin C protects against microbial infections and vitamin A effectively increases the body's immunity.


The red variety is native to Malaysia, where its common name in English is "malay apple". In southern Thailand, you will also see a small variety of cherry red colour.

Its cortex contains an alkaloid compound called Jambosine, which has therapeutic properties against diabetes.

Some strains of Shampoo can be dangerous to health, as they may contain small amounts of cyanide.

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