Rad na, noodles and much more.

Rad Na is a meal based on wide rice noodles, sautéed with meat or fish or seafood, along with an herb called Chinese broccoli, in Thai "Khana".

Also characteristic is the smoky flavor of the rice noodles on the intense fire of the wok, and that sauce with tapioca with chicken broth, which gives it that thick consistency.

You also need sweet soy sauce, fish sauce, sugar and black pepper

It is a very nutritious dish that you can eat, both in restaurants and in street stalls and night markets.

History and curiosities

This dish comes from Chinese cuisine, specifically from Chinese immigrants from Guangdong province, who brought it to Southeast Asia, this recipe is widespread in Laos and Thailand,

Lad literally means "to pour" or "to pour", and na can be translated as "surface".

In China, the lad na was considered a luxury dish, served in very respectable restaurants.

Communities in the Chinese region of Chaoshan began cooking this dish on street stalls, where it quickly became very popular.

Originally this food had a lot of sauce and was covered with a banana leaf.

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