To get to know the Thai cuisine, we cannot leave aside its spices and condiments, its aromatic herbs and sauces such as: fish, oyster sauce, and many others that are used in countless dishes. The spices and condiments of Thailand will help you learn about the gastronomy of its regions.
- Chiles.
- Turmeric
- Lemon Grass
- Fish sauce, oyster sauce etc.
We will not necessarily try in this place since they are original from Thailand, but more widely those used in their traditional dishes.
Such a rich and wide gastronomy has a lot to tell, a lot of culture to discover. There are many ways to cook the same dish. And many times that difference is made clear with the use of different spices or sauces, giving that differentiated touch to that dish.
And most of the time the condiments and the way they combine with food are fundamental to explain the wide variety of dishes, desserts, or drinks that we can find in this beautiful country.
Both in the recipes that we will present, such as the blog, or the YouTube channel, we will teach you little by little their secrets. We will also visit its markets, to show you all the secrets of the Isaan region and other parts of Thailand.
We will expand this list that will also include sauces and already made products, and when we have enough quantity we will make a list of the dishes that have that ingredient as the protagonist.
In Thailand, there is an immense variety of hotel offers, due to the very high number of tourists who visit this beautiful country.
In Thailand, there is an immense variety of hotels, due to the high number of tourists who visit this beautiful country. The prices in relation to the quality are very attractive, and the places where to choose that offer are wonderful and very prepared for the tourist. AGODA, Platform similar to
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