Jackfruit from Thailand

Characteristics of the Jackfruit
Jackfruit de Tailandia

This fruit has a large number of benefits for the body, and does not have a high glycaemic index.

It has many ways to prepare, and is sometimes used as a protein supplement.

Native to Indonesia it is also found in India and throughout Southeast Asia, where it is consumed and is appreciated for its health benefits and its unmistakeable flavour.

The jackfruit It is also known as jackfruit, jackfruit tree, jack, jacktree.

It weighs around 10 kg.

It mainly contains:

  • Source of vitamin C.
  • It contains flavonoids and lignans, plant compounds that can help fight inflammation.
  • Potassium

It is beneficial for:

  • Fights Constipation
  • It can help with ulcers.
  • Decreases high blood pressure.
  • It helps with related skin problems.
  • Cancer Prevention


This tree produces the national fruit of Bangladesh and Indonesia.

The jackfruit tree gives a precious yellow wood, it is used to make furniture. That makes it a tree highly appreciated by the timber industry.

The juice of this fruit is acidic and sweet. It can also be used in salads, cooked and as a snack if left to dry.

Due to its weight, it is a danger for people who walk under their trees, because the fruit comes off when it is ripe.

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The jam of this fruit is exquisite, and allows us to consume it in high season and prepare preserves with the rest so that it does not spoil.

This seasonal tropical fruit is difficult to see in Western countries, because it deteriorates quickly.

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