Lemon grass or lemon grass

Lemon grass has its origin in India. Lemongrass is widely used in Asia as a grass, particularly in Thailand, Laos, Sri Lanka and in Caribbean cuisine
With its citrus flavour but at the same time a little spicy, it should be used in small quantities.
- Relieves headaches and migraines.
- Helps cardiovascular system.
- Anticonvulsant effects: to combat anxiety and seizures.
- Treats fever by helping to regulate body temperature.
- Improves digestion
- This plant is also considered a natural detoxifier.
- Lemongrass leaf extract lowers blood glucose levels, helping against diabetes.

To extract all the flavour of the Grass Lemon, the trick of hitting the bulb before chopping it is recommended.
It is used as a medicinal herb and in perfumes
Dried leaves are used to make an infusion of alimónado tea. It is more frequently used as tea in African countries.
It goes well with garlic, galanda, onion, turmeric, ginger, chicken, pork, fish and chilli.
It has repellent principles that can be used to scare away insects, especially annoying mosquitoes.
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