The durian, is native to Southeast Asia, arises from trees of about 25 meters. They are heavy fruits, between 1 and 3 kilograms.
It has a strong, very penetrating smell. In fact, it is forbidden to introduce it into hotel and airport rooms because of the penetrating smell it can leave in the rooms.
The flavor is exquisite, unmistakable. The pulp of this fruit is an authentic delicacy.
These are its beneficial properties:
- For the immune system
- Anemia.
- For digestion.
- Helps reduce blood pressure
- Source of antioxidants
- Reduces infertility
- Prevents osteoporosis.
- Potassium
- Iron
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Sodium
- Zinc
The most remarkable in its vitamins:
- Vitamin C
- Folic acid.
- Tiamina
- Rivoflavina
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin A
As you can see, it has a large number of benefits and is very nutritious. It is a seasonal fruit, which also spoils very easily. So it's not easy to see it in Western countries.
The Durian from Thailand is a fruit that will not leave you indifferent. It has always been said that you either love it or you hate it.
But usually he doesn't trust his apparent bad smell and the test, he repeats.

The name "durian" is derived from the word in the Malay language dûrî , que significa «espina».
El nombre de la especie «zibethinus» deriva del nombre de la civeta, el mamífero conocido por su olor. Es curioso que tanto el nombre vulgar venga de sus espinas, y el científico viene de su fuerte olor. Las semillas también se pueden secar y cocinar.
During the month of May, the World Festival of the Durio In the Thai province of Chantaburí.
It can be Very dangerous to take it with Alcohol, It can cause death in the most serious cases.

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